In defense of women's lives during the pandemic
At the moment that we publish this statement, 360 thousand Brazilians have died as a result of the Covid-19 pandemic. As the national and international community is well aware, a significant number of these deaths were caused by the Brazilian Federal Government’s decision to defy science and disregard the lives of Brazilian people, putting at risk those who it had a duty to protect. Deteriorating social, economic, and psychological conditions resulting from the absence of adequate public policies to contain the disease have eroded the nation’s social fabric and left thousands of Brazilians to fend for themselves.

As scientists, women are still under-represented in Brazilian universities and research institutions. In this dramatic moment that even affects our scientific production, we seek to act in defense of women from a perspective that draws attention to an issue that has been, until now, excluded from the public debate: the effect of the pandemic on the lives of Brazilian women. Meet our Executive Committee.

Broaden this debate
Look for ways to broaden this debate in the public sphere, by involving journalists, professional associations, public officials, feminist and popular movements, etc., so that this debate can become a collective search for solutions.

Act in partnership
Interact in unison with public officials, at all levels of the Federation, providing technical know-how in the form of guidebooks and protocols, in an effort to expand the response capacity of public agencies.

Publicize experiences
Disseminate successful pandemic responses, especially in poor, peri-urban neighborhoods, including both community self-organization (Paraisópolis, Complexo do Alemão etc.) and local government initiatives (Niterói, Araraquara etc.), with emphasis on the participation of women in these processes
At the moment we launch this statement we have 1000 Brazilian women scientists who have already signed this document. Meet our women scientists who want to face the pandemic in the best way.

If you are also a Brazilian woman scientist, working here or in other countries, and want to pool your knowledge, share your experiences and support this transformation, join our network or simply spread the word!